There is no greater gift than a mother’s love!


Mother’s Day is around the corner. Women fulfill so many diverse roles in life; they are mothers, wives, taxi drivers, homemakers, executives, teachers, businesswomen, chefs and the list goes on.

 My precious daughter, Tayla, wrote this to me. It brought tears to my eyes and it reminds me of every mom out there.

Mothers: The flowers of spring seem to bloom where their feet touch. They journey through life with their family like a seasoned botanist, with vines at their finger tips and seeds in their pocket, ready to sow into those they love and give them the steps and guidance needed to begin to cultivate themselves. Always watering, always pruning, always taking from themselves to give to others. Where a mother is, gardens bloom; the earth grows rich and new life forms. Woman, wife, mother, you are a joy to behold in every season. You are of the finest gems in the Lord’s crown, always shine forth to glorify His name.

 However, none of this growth can occur without nurturing yourself first. Here are some ways that many other moms take time to do so: 

  • Take a stroll

  • Take a bath with bath salts and essential oils and a few lit candles

  • Read magazines and get inspired

  • Fellowship with friends

  • Paint toenails and nails

  • Work in the yard with plants to create combinations for planters or baskets.

  • Planting and digging and feeling the dirt on their hands and under their nails.

  • Love to watch cooking shows and documentaries - get the best ideas from them

  • Read great historical fiction

I want to encourage you today to take time for you; be encouraged that you cannot pour into your family if you are running on empty. 

Do you invest in yourself? What are you doing for YOU?

Lere Robinson